Computer Skills



My Computer skills are varied. If anything one of the more important aspects is my way of computer thinking. Unlike any previous generation I grew up with a computer, and grew up on the internet.

I started using CAD in my secondary school at the age of 14. We were very luck and started using ProDesktop, this was a parametric modeler. Working with assembly and parts, out of 3D shapes. When I first came to Middlesex University I found that my CAD work was technically advance but missed the standards and best practices of using a parametric modeler.

Once at Middlesex we started using AutoCAD , this taught me British Standards and the correct way of displaying technical drawing of products. At this time I also undertook some very painfully 3D in AutoCAD.

In my 2nd year of my Product Design Degree


Surface modeling

A surface model is the term given to modeling complicated organic forms. These are created by a mixture of sketches on different 3D planes. Once these forms are created, they are stitched, to create a closed surface. This closed surface can then be exported to a Solid modeler for Splitting and engineering.

I have 3 years experience of using AliaisStudio, this is a industry standard NURBS modeler, that unlike its sister product Maya is build on foundation of mathematical accuracy of the surfaces.


a light designed for mathmos in software render state in AliasStudio


Solid modeling

A solid model is computer built model that builds on the concepts of solids, items with volume and mass. Unlike Surface modeling which are hollow, solid modeling is solid. Often my workflow consists of taking an organic surface from AliasStudio, converting it into a solid object thanks to AliasDirectConnect. This object can then be split, and mechanical and detailed material specifications can be given to the object.

Often working directly in Solidworks can be extremely usufll as you construction history and hierarchy always stays in touch. This allows for designs to be easily adapted and customized during an iterative design process.


the chamellon, A example of Solidworks


CAD Presentation Modeling

Product Renderings

A example of CAD presentation rendering

CAD Presentation Modeling