UI’s from Movies – Quantum of Solace By MK12.
As a working interaction designer I’m always looking for inspiration that I can extend to the rest of my work. This is my first UI’s in Movies section, and I hope to go back through and pull the best user interfaces from the world of movies.
All of the UI design was done by MK12, I’m always impressed by the high quality of the images, and the detail that goes into the interface. Personally I didn’t like the use of multitouch, but did like the use of a tangible user interface that allowed the agents to display different type of bank notes on the table.
I most liked the video wall [Screen shot taken from the TRS] , which worked very well as a multi user collaboration and search tool. The natural interface, and flow though screens was very nice, I hope to be doing some high spec tangible interfaces later this year.
I have contacted the designers at MK12, to try to find out more about there design process, I’m really interested as to how i can fit this into my workflow.
Product Generalist
Currently in Oakland, CA