Just a quick site update.  I have now graduated from my product design degree at Middlesex University. I have had a rapid undergrad to work transition with directly starting work after New Designers.

I have now started a job as an interaction designer [ixD] at TRIL, the technology research centre of independent living.  The official blurb about tril is “The TRIL Centre is a coordinated collection of research projects addressing the physical, cognitive and social consequences of ageing, all informed by ethnographic research and supported by a shared pool of knowledge and
engineering resources.”.  Its an exciting centre to work at because I get to work with a solid core of ethnographic research and get to work with techi people at Intel. There is one another full time interaction designer at Intel, but otherwise I’m a one person team IxD, supported by a Industrail Designer.

I shall be upgrading this site to reflect my Product Design / Interaction Design intressts. I plan to keep on blogging about personal projects and will be writing about my interaction design work at www.ixd.ie.