Blog Posts

  • Designer MashUp. Jeremy Faludi & Ross Lovegrove

    Akin to all of these Web 2.0 mash ups that get nothing really done. I have created a new section to envisage what would happen if two designers were to meet up and use there skills to create a super mash up of a product. Meet the Designers: **Ross Lovegrove. ** I first found out about Ross from TED Talks, This video really inspired me, and I’m even working on some designs based on his philiopsy. He dose lots of Organic but not Bloob design. He seeks nature as inspiration, along with being super crazy, he also seem super cool...
    Read Designer MashUp. Jeremy Faludi & Ross Lovegrove
  • Are Designers The Enemy Of Good Design?

    In a recent a response to Bruce’s blog I was going to post a comment, but have had problems with the 1000 character limit. So I have decided to put the response into my blog. The questions Bruce asks is … Are Designers The Enemy Of Good Design? So what should I say? How should I say it? And what should be done about it? I believe Bruce is right in saying ‘designers are the enemy of good design?’ I have witnessed that a lot of designers against design at both work (on my internship at Resolute) and during my...
    Read Are Designers The Enemy Of Good Design?
  • Cradle to Cradle : Book Review

    I would recommend this book to any Design Student. This is one of those books that has change my perception of product design. It teaches us about abudence, there is a life for a Eco-Product Designer. We are no longer the Designers making for landfill. As a undergraduatte product designer it can be a worry to think about the future of our enviroment and what the result of the products we make. This book utlines a new design process that will not ‘make less bad products’ but we will make products that will create a better effect onto our enviroment....
    Read Cradle to Cradle : Book Review

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